
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

[Testimonial] ...he opened the space for magic to be created.


One key ingredient to a successful branding session has nothing to do with location, lens, or lighting.

It has to do with connection.

It all starts in the inquiry call.

When you feel heard, seen, and understood and find yourself liking this person without ever meeting them in person, that’s a keeper.

Conversely, if you feel as though you’re constantly going uphill in the conversation and there’s a clear personality mismatch, cut the cord and continue your photographer search.

If you ignore your intuition, you could end up with a pile of photos you hate, never use, and be forced to invest in a Round 2 session with someone else.

Fortunately, during the initial call with Jason Lennox, an immediate sense of understanding, respect and appreciation was felt between us - like peanut butter and jelly :)

And the photos proved it.

Here’s what he said about our collaboration:

“When John and I were connected, I was seeking a rebrand with some powerful photo content that captured the essence of my work, my personality, and my presence.

John was brilliant in capturing enough detail through our strategy sessions to be fully prepared for our session together.

He let me know exactly what to do in advance and what the session would consist of.

Interestingly enough, I anticipated working through the session at the direction of John as the expert, and what I found most important and valuable to the end product was that he pointed back to me for guidance on each component of the session.

Stated differently, every time I asked what the best outfit or feel would be, he ensured I would answer that question myself and show up in exactly the way I would.

John is an excellent professional to work with. The value he added to my brand will last for many, many years to come. I recommend him at the highest level.

As his shirt alluded to when he walked in (a #DELIVERMAGIC shirt) - he opened the space for magic to be created.

John is phenomenal - a true 10/10.”

Thank you, Jason - it was truly a pleasure to not only have you in front of the camera, but to get to know you more through our conversations during the process.

A true 10/10 :)