
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Depth makes you look expensive


Here’s a little photography secret that can elevate your portraits from good to absolutely stellar.

It's all about that shallow depth of field.

Now, for the non-photographers out there, let me break this down for you.

Shallow depth of field is when the subject (that's you) is in sharp focus, while the background is deliciously blurred out.

Before it became a menu option in Zoom (which does a REALLY BAD job of it, BTW), it was a deliberate choice dialed in by a photographer that adds a touch of sophistication to your portraits.

That sophistication translates into a perception of being a premium entity.


Well, it’s all about focus – I mean that literally and figuratively.

When your photographer uses a shallow depth of field, they draw all the attention in the frame right to you. Everything else fades into this beautiful, soft backdrop. This makes you the undeniable star of the shot.

It’s like having a spotlight on you, but way more subtle and artistic.

And speaking of the backdrop, a shallow depth of field turns even the most ordinary backgrounds into something extraordinary.

That unique, buttery look behind you? It’s not just pretty - it creates a compelling visual story. It subconsciously suggests a level of detail and care that aligns with the vibe of excellence you’re all about.

Now, let’s talk location.

To nail this effect, you need a bit of space. Tight, cramped spots won't give you the same effect. You want a location with some breathing room, and ideally, with interesting decor.

Think spaces with texture, color, or patterns that, when blurred out, give you that dreamy, high-end look.

So, the next time you’re planning a portrait session, pick locations that lend themselves to this style.

Remember, it’s not just about being in focus; it’s about standing out in a way that speaks to your expertise, your brand, and the high-quality experience you provide.

In the end, it's these small details that can take your portraits from mediocre to magical.