
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Make it easy for them


There are a lot of variables that factor into potential clients’ thought process when qualifying whether or not you’re the right fit to solve their problem with your special brand of expertise.

Sure, the financial investment is part of that equation, but what if it wasn’t?

What if that potential client didn’t care and they were more focused on the how, and not how much?

How can you create distinction from other experts in your space?

You tell them AND show them exactly what it’s like to work with you.

And you do that through your image content.

What does it look like to work with you? Is it virtual? In person? In a group setting? All of the above?

Along with explaining the process, SHOW them all of that in your photos.

When you demystify the process, it gives them a sense of confidence in knowing what to expect, rather than basing their decision on assumptions.

Instead of leveraging stock photos that show a bunch of actors with plastered, fake smiles on their faces, show your face, the faces of your team members, in a room, on a screen, or both, working.

This creates familiarity and trust.

There’s less apprehension and friction on their end this way because they can SEE how you solve their problem.

While it’s important to share your expertise through your words, and the words of those in which you’ve served, paint the picture for them through photos to visually punctuate the sentiment of those words.

It will go a long way in communicating your value proposition to those you serve.

Sure, it’s more work and a bigger investment than going to a stock photo site to download a bunch of photos that kinda sorta does the job in conveying the process of how you deliver the work.

But, by committing to create a portfolio of visual assets that shows them what the actual work looks like, you're making it easier for potential clients to see why you’re the clear choice above other experts in your space.

Long story short, the juice is worth the squeeze.