
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

"A treasure trove of images..."


When you create a long-term relationship with a trusted photographer…


…that creates a consistent pathway to produce a treasure trove of images to support and enhance your personal brand.


Over the past couple years, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Phil M Jones as he’s delivered his magic from the stage, in meeting rooms, and during virtual events and meetings.  

I’ve also captured his branded lifestyle portraits and books. 

Long story short, we’ve created enough photos, as of right now, to last a lifetime…but we still have plenty of work to do together :)

This experience has afforded me an opportunity to be part of the team and get a first-hand look at the transformational work happening in the Exactly What To Say space. 

That alone has been a masterclass in learning how to make conversations count. Even though my role prevents me from having a seat at the table, I’ve been able to glean a lot of insights from simply listening and apply them to my conversations…

…applied badly, but I’m working on it :) 

The other benefit to working with Phil is that, everyday, I’m learning more about how to solve the challenges that Experts like him face when thinking about the role visual storytelling plays in their marketing and promotional efforts. 

I can’t tell you how important this has been in terms of the development of my photography business. 

I’m very grateful to be able to call Phil a client, trusted advisor, and friend…even when he busts my chops about something :) 

Recently, Phil was kind enough to share some words about our work together:

(CLICK HERE if you do not see the video thumbnail on your screen.)

Creating “a treasure trove of images…”

That’s not the exception, that’s the rule…every single time the camera comes out of the bag.

How is your image content portfolio looking these days?

When you look at the photos:

  • Do you recognize the person staring back at you?

  • Are genuine aspects of your personality shining through in photos throughout the portfolio?

  • Are all of the tentacles of your business represented though candid lifestyle portraits?

If not, let’s have a chat and see not only how I can help, but if we’re a fit to work together.