
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Why are props important for my personal branding photography session?


Why are props important for my personal branding photography session?


They reveal special tidbits about who you are as a person.


Although your magical face and expressions are the backbone of your image content with respect to gaining the attention of your audience, you need a couple more tricks up your sleeve to keep them engaged.

One of the ways to achieve this is to incorporate props and objects into your branded lifestyle portrait session.

I don't mean for you to pack your bags with a bunch of shit lying around your house in order to throw stuff into the shots.

It's more about incorporating objects that have emotional resonance for you so you can, in turn, share them with your audience as a way to teach them a lesson through storytelling. It's also a way for your audience to get to know you more and build relatability with them, as well.

There's more on this in the following video:

(If your browser isn’t displaying the video, you can watch it here)

Interesting props, right?

Have you ever used props in your branded lifestyle portrait sessions? If so, which ones and why? If not, why? Share your thoughts in the comment section and let’s talk about it!

PS - If you’d like to learn more about persuasive visual storytelling, sign up for my blog so you will have every new article sent directly to your inbox - why waste time on commuting, right? :)